
Happiness is selfmade

We give you the tools to find the happy you within



Eat with your mind

I'm living in China now with my husband, and we see some things that make us reflect. At the University where Jairo works, we see students bump into each other or a pole because they are looking at their phones.... Continue Reading →

Giving and receiving love, totally different things

We all have our own love language. What is yours? Read how you can improve your relationships by knowing how you like to receive love.

Hola, Oi, Hello, Bom Dia, Ni Hao

Learning a new language is fun and useful. I always thought it would be very time consuming, but now I have found a method that is so easy and fast, I feel like I want to learn every language on the planet. If you are interested in learning a new language, I suggest you read my blog :D!

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